Why Aluminum Windows

Aluminium windows in the UK used to be reserved for businesses and storefronts. The hard wearing, extra strong properties of the aluminium made them perfect for businesses. The aluminium is light and easy to manufacture and can be seen on high streets up and down the country.

Over the past few years, more and more residential properties are starting to look at using aluminium windows for their homes too. So why the change?

Why Aluminium Windows

The same properties that make them a great choice for businesses also make them ideal for residential properties. Homeowners take the security of their properties very seriously and aluminium windows can give great peace of mind with their extra strong build and durability.

The benefits of aluminium windows don’t stop at the strength and durability.
Aluminum clad wood windows are built to last, but it is their diversity of style and design that really is making them an extremely popular choice when looking for replacement windows.

Whether you have a new modern home or a traditional property, there are loads of different styles of aluminium windows to suit even the most discerning homeowners’ tastes. Aluminium windows come in a variety of different profiles. This has made them a perfect choice when looking to replace old timber windows, with a similar design but with a much harder wearing material. You could be looking for basic casement windows or something more exciting like a sliding sash or tilt and turn window. There is an aluminium frame to meet every one of these designs. Previously, you would need to look towards uPVC windows to find this variety of design, but aluminium windows now are available in an equal amount of styles and can be a much better choice for many homes.

Most glazing companies will offer their Aluminum windows in a range of colours. Gone are the days of basic metal finishing. Modern aluminum windows can be sprayed to match most colour palettes with many companies offering a full RAR deck of colours.

Triple Glazed Windows

The additional strength that aluminium gives the window frames makes them especially adept at carrying the extra weight that triple glazed glass brings to a home. Triple glazed glass is a great way to make your home more energy efficient and has amazing sound reducing properties to keep your home nice and quite and all the outside noise where it should be – outside! This is a great selling point of aluminium window frames over uPVC, as in many cases uPVC window frames would need to be especially built and reinforced to house triple glazed glass and these style of uPVC frames could work out quite costly.

How much do aluminium windows cost?

Aluminium windows are a great addition to any home. Their energy efficiency, durability and security are all amazing. This does however come at a price. Aluminium windows are more expensive than their uPVC counterparts. The uPVC frames can be relatively cheaply made in the UK, whereas aluminium does cost slightly more as a material and the manufacturing process is also slightly more expensive.

That said, there are more and more UK companies manufacturing aluminium windows and most double-glazing companies are now offering an aluminium option for their windows and doors. You will still be paying more for aluminium windows than you would for uPVC windows, but be sure to

shop around and get multiple quotes as many UK double glazing companies will offer price matching and unbeatable price guarantees helping to make your new windows and doors as affordable as possible.

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